3. Brief summary and last note

In Section 2 or the previous posts, I made a storyline based on the pictures I took, which I hope are able to speak for themselves without me telling a long boring story. Instead, I made this brief summary.

Every time people ask me how my journey was, I keep saying it’s like a roller-coaster. Ups and downs, beautiful moments and not-so-beautiful-moments. It’s more or less like when you have both good and bad news, and now I am going to start with the good ones. Continue reading

1.4 Budget, food, etc!


The other question people usually ask me is whether taking an overland journey is cheaper or not so that I dared to put myself in risk and spend a lot of time. The answer is definitely not. Perhaps if I hitchhiked from Indonesia to Germany without using hotel or anything, the cost (mainly for food) might be equal or just a bit more than a flight. But this one? Three to five times as expensive as a flight.

“What?!? Then, where do you get the money? Do your parents give a lot?”

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1.3 Till “A Perfect End”

9. The crazy Trans-Siberian Railway adventure: China, Mongolia, Russia

Although I put the adjective ‘crazy’ on the subtitle, I won’t praise how amazing the Trans-Siberian this time. I will explain everything later when I share my journal.  Rather, I will come back to the point about my preparation – specifically about the Trans-Siberian Railway in this section with seat61.com as the main reference again. As I mentioned in the previous post, this trip is the most vulnerable to failure as it plays the biggest role in this journey. Therefore, I tried this ticket as soon as possible; this was the 2nd one I bought for this journey.


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1.2 – Plan in South East Asia

Sorry – that’s what I could say for this delay. It has been more than a month since my journey finished and I admit that it is my fault that I have not posted anything since then, even pictures. People have always been requesting anything from the journey journals, videos, or perhaps just the photos of mountain in Mongolia or simply Chinese words in Beijing.

However, I also promised something else earlier: the plan & preparation. I know it is weird to talk about the preparation again when the journey has occurred in the past. But I also feel that the whole blog will not be complete if this part is missing. This part might have importance as well in informing the readers or you guys who might consider to take the same journey or just simply use it as a reference. So, here you go!

1. Why did I choose this route?


Route of Urban Nomadizing

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Dear everyone,

After going through various ups and downs, I finally managed to make this journey happen four days ago. This time, I would like to say thank you very much to everyone who supports me from the preparation process until the end of “Urban Nomadizing” and until now.

Meeting people, tackling problems, experiencing joy and despair, getting new insight. This journey is certainly once in a lifetime experience – something that I can keep talking about for hours. And that’s why my activity on this is not finished yet. I still owe people my journals and photos!

Unfortunately, the soonest they will be available is August 15th, after my current summer university in Emmendingen done. I am sorry that you have to wait, but they will be on my blog: https://urbannomadizing.wordpress.com/

Again, thank you for helping me make this happen!

Bayu Ahmad


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After going through different struggles and experiencing unique stories (and enjoying the ‘nomadizing’, obviously), I’m already halfway through my journey! Not the distance, but the time. It has been 13 days since my departure, and there are another 13 days (including today) left before I arrive in Freiburg.

I’m already safe in Beijing now and I will leave for Mongolia tomorrow! Nothing bad/major happened to me, so I’m ready to go. Thank you for all the support and I will let you know further.

Lots of love from Beijing,